Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Flufftastic Summer Celebration!

 I've recently signed up for a giveaway blog hop hosted by Eco Baby Mama Drama and Mama on a Green Mission!  The Flufftastic Summer Celebration is an awesome event going on from August 10-24th! 

Each participating blog will be offering a cloth diapering giveaway valued at $30 or more.  I don't know about you, but I love these giveaway blog hops!  So check back here on August 10th to see what I will be giving away.  What cloth diaper or cloth diapering accessory do you want or need that you would like to see in the giveaway blog hop?  Leave a comment below to let me know!

See you soon!
Crunchy Katie


Sunday, July 29, 2012

French Toast Bread Pudding

What do you do with all of the ends of loaves of bread?  My kids refuse to eat them, as did I when I was a kid, so we always have a good amount of them laying around.  We are currently doing a pantry challenge thanks to a LOOOOONG time between pay periods so I had to come up with a tasty, kid friendly, breakfast using the ends of the bread.  Here's what I made!

French Toast Bread Pudding

I got some ideas from the web and went to town making it my own with what we had laying around!
Here's my recipe!

4 old hot dog buns (no mold, I promise)
4 old hamburger buns
6 end of the loaf slices
8 eggs
2 cups half and half
2 tsp nutmeg
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 tbsp sugar
half a stick of butter (plus a bit more for greasing the glass dish)
4 tbsp brown sugar

Here's how ya do it...

I used a 11x7 glass baking dish greased up real nice.  Strategically place the assortment of whatever bread you have laying around.  Squish it all in there real tight!  Now mix up all the other ingredients (minus the brown sugar and butter) and poor it all over the bread.  Now get a fork and mash that bread so it soaks up all the egg mixture.  Cover with foil and refrigerate overnight.

In the Morning...

Preheat oven to 350.  Place covered dish in the oven for 30min.  While it's baking, mix the brown sugar and butter to make a sort of dough.  After it bakes for 30min, take it out, remove foil and place bits of the brown sugar mixture all over the top of the pudding.  Now, put it back in for 35-40min or until its golden brown and bubbling!  

Serve hot with butter and syrup!


Friday, July 27, 2012

A quick random rant...

I got these really cute black chino style shorts from Old Navy a while back.  Each time I wear them I try to make sure the pockets are laying flat so I don't get bumps where I don't want them.  I hate, HATE, Hate it that there are pockets on the butt that are sewn shut!!  But there is a flap on the inside like you could still stick stuff in there.  What is that sick trick all about??  If you're going to sew in a pocket, don't sew the opening shut people.  C'mon. 

Rant over.

Crunchy Katie

Monday, July 23, 2012

Chemicals lurking everywhere

Hi all! 

Recently my hubby asked me to pick him up some deodorant on one of my shopping trips.  He had finally run out of the aluminum free one we'd been using for some time.  I  searched the shelves and was dismayed to come up empty handed.  Where had my favorite deodorant gone?  I have tried a few of the more natural types, Tom's, Nature's Gate etc, and always felt let down.  So I left the store without. 
Coincidentally, that day I saw a post on Facebook about the aluminum found in deodorants and antiperspirants.  They had highlighted the directions for use and warnings on the back of the deodorant.  It actually said, that if you have kidney problems to consult a physician before using.  I don't know about you, but I usually don't even read past the ingredient list.  I wonder how many others just skip past that as well.  It got me thinking about how important it is to be mindful of what we put in our bodies.  My hubby is less crunchy than I am, but he quietly listens as I rant often about crunchy things.  I kindly asked him not to use anything but what I would buy for him. 
I settled for JASON deodorant.  It has worked the best at keeping both of us smelling fresh.  Although after a hard workout, the hubby always feels self conscience around is coworkers.  I assured him, his scent wasn't noticeable.
Don't even get me started about antiperspirants.  Plain and simple...WE ARE CREATED TO SWEAT!!!  Let's not try and doop God's masterpiece into not doing what it's meant to do.  It's all for our own good!
I am concerned about all those who just used whatever kind of deodorant, filled with the gamut of heavy metals and harmful chemicals.  I have to really talk myself out of walking up to strangers in the store and ranting about all I know about deodorant ingredients.  I'm so glad I have all of you to rant to!! 
So, what kind of deodorant do you use?  

Till the next rant...

Crunchy Katie

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Long time no see!

I just logged on for the first time in months!  I've been so busy with the new baby girl and the other 4 this summer!  I finally am feeling like I've gotten used to waking to nurse the baby in the middle of the night and still stay up all day with all the kids!  Boy am I glad too! 

I've been busy collecting different cloth diapers and find that I'm falling in love with a different one so often.  I sold a few (of my more boyish colored) FuzziBunz to a new cloth convert friend of mine, and bought a whole bunch of BumGenius 4.0!  They are my current favorites. 

Now that I'm "old hat" at cloth diapering, I figured I should join a blog giveaway!  See the below link!  Today's the last day if you have a blog and want to join...get to it!


I promise I'll be back!

See you soon,

Crunchy Katie